List of Services & Value Exchange

If you have not yet read “Read First” under the PURCHASE menu, please do so; it will tell you how to proceed, answer most of your questions and let you know about some other options you may want to explore. All exchange values are in USD.

Current “Global LEAP Launch” Special Offers & Monthly Subscriptions

~ Help Crowdfund the Launch of this Global LEAP Community ~

See a listing of Options & Exchanges on the Purchase Services Page

See LEAP Launch Special for more details.

Global Online LEAP Community

Live Online Group Offerings

All Calls are typically Held via Zoom
at 12pm Pacific – 3pm Eastern – 8pm London – 7am Sydney next day
Start times will vary & pay attention to Daylight Savings changes – Double-check Times

Monthly Online Call Series

~ Accelerated Embodied Ascension
Held Saturdays or Sundays @12 noon PST
1 call per week = 4 per month & recording access$ 77

~ CosmoGenesis or ANANON Experience  –  currently not offered

Held Saturdays or Sundays @ 12 Noon PST
✦ 1 call per week = 4 per month & recording access$77

Portal Day Transmission-Activations

~ Special Portal Day Meditation Journeys
Check the Upcoming Events for next event
Live Online Group Journey & recording$33

Personal Sessions for Individuals & Couples

General Information for Private Sessions
~ Sessions are either 90 or 60 minute in length; sessions will organically vary in length.
~ Unless we have made a different arrangement or this is private session is included in a mentorship, I request  $11 per each additional 15 minutes.
~ We keep track of any additional time & any extra exchange can be paid at the end of our work together.
~ The exchange per session decreases when you sign up for larger multi-session packages.

Sessions for Individuals – 90 minutes

Offer$/1 SessionTotal Exchange
1-Session$ 199 * 1=$ 199
3-Sessions$ 166 * 3=$ 498
5-Sessions$ 144 * 5=$ 720
7-Sessions$ 133 * 7=$ 931

Sessions for Couples – 60 minutes
~ Each ‘3-session set’ consists of  2 Individual (1-on-1) Sessions & 1 Couple (2-on-1) Session

Total Exchange
3-Session2 * $144  +  1 * $177=$   465
6-Sessions4 * $122  +  2 * $155=$   798
9-Sessions6 * $111  +  3 * $144=$ 1098
Total Exchange
3-Session2 * $144  +  1 * $177=$   465
6-Sessions4 * $122  +  2 * $155=$   798
9-Sessions6 * $111  +  3 * $144=$ 1098

Mentorship Opportunities

Small Group 3-month Option

Exchange$444.33/month=$ 1333

Individual 1 Month Option

1st  month=$ 888
2nd month & onward=$ 777
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