Detailed Description of the Mentorship Components

Personal Session Work

Our 1-on-1 weekly sessions are at the core of our mentorships and they are what is precipitating the deepest transformation. Much of what is included in each of the mentorship options helps to facilitate and integrate the profoundly deep changes that are initiated through our session work. Please read About my Work and Session Description to find out more about the nature of this work. Depending on which mentorship you’ll participate in, the frequency of sessions and the total amount of session time included will vary. On average these sessions are about 90 minutes long.

Daily Energy Work

At least once every day I will tune in and see what energy work may wish to come through for you to maximally support you at that time. This could happen at any point during the day and could even happen more than once. I will tune in when I sit down for meditation and will hold space for what wishes to be facilitated. If you come to my awareness at any other time during the day, I will also take some time to pause and allow for the most aligned energetic facilitation to come through. This daily energetic work is more ‘passive’ in nature compared to our intensive session work; that is, the daily work is typically not about facilitating active, new energetic transformation but instead helps to smooth out and support the integration of the deep changes that are initiated during our sessions. This daily work is especially helpful in facilitating the integration of the profound alchemical changes within our physical form as we move from carbon- to crystalline-based biochemical functioning, literally changing from 3rd, 4th to 5th-dimensional expression in form! This has not ever been possible on a global scale before and it is the first time that the entire planet is ascending as well. This daily energy work also helps you to implement the personal self-mastery work that is your main focus between the sessions: This includes using the tools we’ve gone over together during our 1-on-1s, becoming consciously aware of your old patterns as they occur, being able to ‘presence’ the patterns with less judgement and less resistance, and making new and different choices in your daily life. I have found that the daily energy work greatly assists in helping to make the deep energetic changes of our session work more permanent and in supporting you to bring about real, lasting changes in your everyday life.

24/7 Month-long Personalized Energy Vortex

I first became aware that having a consistent energetic field around someone for an extended period of time was even a real possibility when I was working with a client who had signed up for a 7-session offer; she was going through a very challenging period and was truly dedicated to her spiritual evolution and ready to make some major shifts in her life. Towards the end of our first session, I suddenly was made aware of an energetic field that was forming around her; I then got the message that this field would stay with her throughout the period of time she had committed to work with me. I was shown that this field would surround her and support her in keeping her vibration higher, staying in a more peaceful and balanced state and would also serve as a buffer for some of the harsher external energies and disruptive tech-based frequencies we are constantly exposed to at this time. Your energy field will provide a personalized buffer and facilitate the integration of the upgrades and influx of energies that are facilitated through our session work and that are also naturally occurring at ever increasing intensity.

Recording of a Personalized Meditation Activation Journey

At some point during the month, when I get the guidance, I will sit down and record a personalized meditation journey for you. Given that I strictly follow guidance when recording, the journey can be any length; however, they typically are anywhere between 25 – 45 minutes long. The meditation will bring you the energetic processes most aligned to facilitate your deepest inner alchemy and greatest personal empowerment. The journey will be guided and, as with our 1-on-1 sessions, most will also contain some light language, light song, toning and periods of silence that allow you to experience the deep energetic processes that are taking place. Regardless of whether there is silence or words being shared, it is important to know that there will be profound energetic work taking place throughout the entire journey. Because the energies we are working with are at the quantum level rather than the 3D realm, which operates within time & space, the energy work is fully present in the recording for you. As always, follow your guidance in terms of how often to listen: Whether you listen only once, are nudged to listen regularly, or have it on low volume when you go to sleep, is all perfectly aligned for you.

Regular Communication & Practical Support

These elements of the mentorships are primarily about real tangible support, although, as always, there will be important energetic support as well. Included here is (1) regular access to and support from me via email, (2) several short check-ins via phone and (3) ‘emergent’ support if something major comes up for you. In light of the very deep and intensive transformation, individuals are experiencing through this work, it has proven to be extremely helpful for them to be able to regularly touch base with me.

Email Communications

Individuals doing this mentorship often feel guided to share some experiences they are moving through or they may be curious to receive some feedback about something that is unfolding for them; sometimes a specific question or challenge may arise that a client may want to check in about; at other times, it may just be a simple, yet profound – ‘Wow, SO much is shifting for me’ message someone may feel like sending my way! All of this is part of the process of deep inner work and transformation. The most immediate and most potent response and support you will receive is energetic in nature and, secondarily, a more literal response. In many ways the energetic response is the most powerful, yet, much less satisfying to our ego-minds. There are three ways you will receive ‘energetic support’ when you reach out: As you are formulating your message, an immediate energetic response is elicited to address whatever is at the core of the correspondence you are working on. This is courtesy of your Team of Light and Higher Self, who are well aware they are ‘on call’ and ready to offer some ‘extra duty support’ during the time of our mentorship. When I read your email there will be another energetic response and facilitation and this time I will also be involved. Lastly, as guided, I will sit for a few minutes with your message and allow any additional energy work to come through. I will of course also respond in a more literal way, whether in writing or a short voice recording.

Phone Check-ins

Sometimes, when there are several things coming up at the same time, or when the topics are rather complex or require some interchange for clarity, it is best to see if a brief conversation is a possibility. With many of these spiritual processes we address, it would take a lot of time and effort to try and write any kind of meaningful response. Thus a short interaction via voice can be the best way to go.

Impromptu Session

Because of the unique times we are in, the karmic patterns and woundings that are surfacing now to be resolved can be of a very deep and core nature; many also involve major cataclysmic events that are often deeply buried underneath many layers of protection. When such patterns are highly active within us, they often are much more accessible to be addressed and, thus, profoundly potent shifts can happen with incredible ease and grace. Thus when such a core pattern is up for you and you are guided to reach out, please do. If it is in the highest alignment, I know an impromptu session will be in our flow; otherwise, it will come up to be addressed at a later point in time.

Basic and Advanced Live Monthly Call Series

I offer a Basic and an Advanced Monthly Call Series that have one weekly call each. This means you will have 8 live calls per month and 24 for the entire 3 months period. These are powerful, Divinely Guided, Live Online Group meditation journeys with subsequent access to the recordings. This work allows for the most aligned energies for the group to come through. In addition, the energetic work is also uniquely facilitated for each participant by their personal Team of Light and Higher Self. The most potent clearings, upgrades and activations available for the group at the time will come through. Please read the full description of the Live Online Group Work if you have not yet done so.

Half-day Weekend Workshops

For the Small Group mentorship, we will have 6 half-day workshops, approximately 4 hours long, 2 every month. This will be an extremely powerful opportunity for profound acceleration through intensive group work. The half-day intensives will be a combination of meditation journeys for deep clearing and transmission-activation work; energy updates & guidance for the group; Question & Answer periods; interactive group work and exercises; and beautiful support & expansion through our shared experiences in this sacred space. This will be an opportunity for us to gather privately as a group and to be in a high-vibrational group container for several hours at a time, thus substantially increasing our vibration. Each workshop will contain at least one powerful transmission-activation journey to allow for the most potent energy work, guidance and information for the group to come through. We will mix in Q&A, smaller group exchanges & practices in a unique way for each of the workshops

Private Group Space

For the Small Group Mentorship, I will provide a private group space for the 3-month period. This will be a space for everyone to share their experiences, share ideas, ask questions and foster profound and lasting soul connections; those who will be drawn to participate will be part of your soul-tribe and many of these connections will stay with you for the time of this incarnation. I am not sure what platform we will be using. If the Online Community is up and running already, this will be the best avenue. If not, we may have to go with Telegram, or if necessary WhatsApp.

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