Global LEAP Community & Special Launch Offer


Explore what this Community & our Special 3-Month “New Divine Human”  Membership Offers are about.

This Global LEAP Community is a Space where Love, Empowerment And Prosperity are Co-created by Us, through Us & for Us All!

~ LEAP is here to offer a global space for Us to come together in true Unity Consciousness, thus exponentially amplifying our individual and our combined Power to bring about profound Personal and Planetary Change.

~ LEAP provides a private, agenda-free and member-focused Space designed to offer Services that support, uplift and empower, and to provide its members with Opportunities to find, connect and co-create with each other in ways that are becoming increasingly important at this time.

~ LEAP is like no other Community currently available and as (it appears) we are about to enter into a period of accelerated global instability, having such a safe and affordable Space to gather will become more important now than ever before.

~ Note that LEAP has deliberately chosen a non-commercial platform and is taking crowd-funding approach in order to remain as independent as possible from outside influence in spite of the greater start-up costs and technical expertise required to launch.

~ We therefore would greatly appreciate Your Support  via one of our highly transformational Special Launch Offers  that we are co-creating with other facilitators from around the globe and that we are making available at a greatly reduced exchange, ranging from 63-71% off.

~ Other ways of crowd-funding support are to gift one of the Offers to someone, purchase a regular subscription membership, or make a Donation of any amount — every single contribution makes THE difference.

~ Also, note, there are other ways to contribute that you can find out more about on the official LEAP website, if you are so called. LEAP truly is a Co-creation, which is the hallmark of any true New Earth Creation.

~ If this resonates and feels exciting to you, please take a moment to explore further what LEAP is about and how You may be called to contribute Your unique gifts, resources and expertise so that many more individuals can be supported and move through these increasingly uncertain times with more ease and more grace.

Together, we truly are Better… and Together we Will be able to Rise!

Might this Global LEAP Community be for You?

  • NSAre you tired of increasingly limiting algorithms, restrictions of expression & privacy concerns on the social media platforms you use?
  • Would you like a platform similar to FB in design –with Groups, Forums, Profiles & Private Messaging– but without any of the issues associated with it?
  • Are you feeling alone, unsupported, disempowered or unsure how you can make a difference at this time?
  • Would you like to have a way to be able to find, connect & co-create with others of like-heart & like-mind both locally and globally?
  • Would you want an opportunity to participate in a Global Marketplace where you can offer your expertise, products and services?
  • And what about a Resource Sharing Network to exchange the resources we each have –such as housing, used items and skills– and to find other ways of sharing with each other?
  • How about being able to join live meditations and other embodiment practices –such as yoga, dance & breathwork– several times a week directly from your home, thus greatly amplifying the potency of our practices?
  • Or, are you looking to find a new, more aligned place to live and soul family to co-create community with?
  • Do you want to participate in local co-creative opportunities, such as gardening coops, alternative schooling groups, meditation gatherings, and other meet-up groups?
  • If you found yourself answering “Yes” to just a couple of these questions, this Global Love, Empowerment And Prosperity Community may well be for you: This is what LEAP has to offer to all who resonate with it and who are ready to come together in cooperation and abundance, rather than remaining in separation, scarcity and fear.
  • With division, judgment and polarization at an all-time high, and as we are about to come into a period of heightened global instability, it is now more important than ever before for us to (1) come together in true Unity Consciousness, (2) focus on our shared values and intentions, and (3) harness our unique strengths, resources and expertise so all can be supported, uplifted and thrive through these increasingly challenging times.
  • This is what this LEAP Community is about and what we are here to help facilitate on a global scale. If this speaks to you, come join us and help LEAP to become the most powerful Vehicle of personal and global Upliftment, Empowerment and Change it can possibly be.
  • To that end, let me introduce our extremely transformational, globally co-created 3-Month Special Offers designed to help us Crowd-fund the launch and uplift all who are guided to participate, creating a true win-win opportunity, which is a hallmark of what LEAP is about.

    Special 3-Month “Birthing the New Divine Human from Within”  LEAP Launch Offer

    What is this 3-Month Offer about?

    • As many are aware, for a broad range of complex reasons beyond the scope of what can be addressed here, most of humanity has “forgotten” that we are so much more than our physical forms: That we are, in truth, powerful Divine Creator Beings that are only temporarily expressing through this form and that we have incredibly advanced, organic, though largely dormant, Light Technology inside of us — and that this “technology” is just waiting to be re-activated once again!
    • And, furthermore, that we are in truly unprecedented Times when we have the opportunity to Consciously Re-connect with Source and with the Highest Aspects of our Selves to an extent not previously accessible; and that we are able to do so while remaining in and alchemizing our Physical Form in ways never before possible.
    • This 3-Month “Birthing the New Divine Human from Within” program has been specifically designed to help us accomplish this profound Embodied Ascension Work at a highly accelerated rate, yet with the greatest possible ease and grace.
    • By purposefully incorporating a broad range of both practical and spiritual support that is offered several times per week over an extended 3-month period of time by facilitators who are at the forefront of offering this type of ascension work, we are certain this will be one of the most transformational programs available anywhere, let alone at this greatly discounted (63-71% off) rate.
    • The timing of the launch and this special program is perfectly orchestrated to take advantage of the newly accessible “Divine Blueprint” activation work that has greatly accelerated over the past 2 years, and –with some of this work– is literally just becoming available at this time.
    • A key component of this work is to help re-activate the Original Divine Blueprint within each of us, which is directly linked to (a) activating our dormant physical and multi-dimensional DNA, (b) increasing our dormant brain functioning, (c) amplifying our unique gifts and abilities, and (d) strengthening our connection to Source, our Higher aspects and our Teams of Light.
    • This in turn has many other multi-faceted effects, including powerful alchemical shifts in our physiology, which is at the core of this Embodied Ascension process we are currently in.
    • Although the energetic work itself is extremely powerful in facilitating these inner shifts, the potency of this work is greatly amplified when combined with consistent and dedicated personal work, which will always bring about the most profound and lasting change: This is where the broad range of practical support that is offered throughout the entire 3-month period will play an integral role.

    What type of Work might be Included?

    • Because the facilitators of this work operate on a fully guided basis, we cannot give specifics about the content of this work. However, here are some details that we are aware will play an essential role:
    • Primary Locations & Activations: Although we will be weaving together activations from many of the key planetary locations that will include sacred sites, chakra points, vortices, stargates, portals, etc., the energy work associated with 3 primary locations is playing a particularly profound role:
      * Hawaii, especially Maui & the Big Island, and the Ancient Lemurian Energies that are ready come forward once again;
      * Giza, Egypt, especially the Sphinx & Great Pyramid, and the Ancient Egyptian Light-Body technology & wisdom anchored there, as well as the initiatory energies from the 12 temples along the Nile
      * Uluru, Australia, where the Original Divine Blueprint of Humanity has been anchored and safeguarded for eons of time, now ready to re-emerge once again.
    • Secondary Locations: Other areas that will also play a central role are Bali and Lake Titicaca, Mount Shasta, Easter Island, Avalon/Glastonbury (& other Northern European areas), and locations in South Africa.
    • Divine Blueprint Work for Gaia: Because of our close connection with Gaia, who is also ascending, her original Divine Blueprint is also in the process of being re-activated and her body is also going through a major alchemical transformation; Humanity’s and Gaia’s Blueprint Work go hand-in-hand and having an awareness of this can greatly facilitate each other’s transformation.
    • Co-creation with Water & its Consciousness: Our sense is that this work will be closely connected to the Waters of this planet; this includes both the water above ground and the Primary Water, which is still largely underground and carries ancient codes and consciousness of an incredibly pure nature going back all the way to the creation of the planet. Many of us are feeling that it is time to co-create with the Waters once again.
    • Galactic and Star Family Participation: Our galactic and star families will play an integral role in co-facilitating this work with us. And although there are many different groups of galactics from all over this Universe that are here at this time in support of humanity  and this work, the Arcturian, Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran and Andromedan Star-beings will play a particular central role.
    • Original Peoples from all around the Globe: The native, original people who have been holding space and anchoring the ancient knowledge, wisdom and codes over millennia will also unite and offer their support in ways that will be central to the success of our work.
    • The many different facilitators that will share their work will of course differ greatly in how their unique work comes through, which will also ensure that everyone will find meditation journeys and activations they will resonate with. 
    • For example, there will be meditation journeys that are channeled and that may include light language, toning, silence, sound healing; and that may include Light Beings such as Galactics, Ascended Masters, Angelics, Elohim and Councils of Light that may facilitate specific aspects of this work.

    What are the specific Features included in the Special Offers?

    • In order to make this Special Offer affordable to as many individuals as possible, we offer 5 variations; the specific combination of features will depend on which of the offers you choose.
    • Here is a brief description of each component and their actual value for the 3 full months; below is a table that directly compares the features of each offer and shows our Requested Exchange.
    • Note that the Requested Exchange is between 70% to 77% below the Actual Value of each Offer; to be inclusive of everyone, we also have a sliding fee option for one of the offers.
    • The “Purchase Options” will get you to the LEAP Community “Join Us” page with the possibility to directly purchase an offer or to scroll up or visit the “About” and “Support” pages to find out further details about the membership offers, our Launch Date & Code of Conduct, all the features the community has to offer, and other ways to contribute to and co-create LEAP together with us.
    • Basic Community Membership – gives access to the entire community with all its features (see the LEAP “About Us” page for more detailed information) — $22/month * 3 = $66.
    • Participation in the “New Divine Human” Private Group – a private group exclusive to those who are part of this 3-month intensive where we can share our experiences, ask questions, exchange ascension-related information, and support, uplift and empower each other — $11/month * 3 = $33.
    • 6 Transmission-Activations – Cutting-edge, high-vibrational, energy meditations focused on the Divine Blueprint work that are offered by collaborators who are at the forefront of fascilitating this type of ascension work; these journeys are equivalent to the “Portal Day Transmission-Activations” I have listed on my Group Events page — $33 * 6 = $198.
    • 3 full Months of the 4-Call Meditation Series – Three full months of the “Accelerated Embodied Ascension” call series with weekly meditation journeys are included in this Special offer (see Group Events page), which comes to at least 12 meditation-activations. Note that some of these calls will be offered by facilitators from around the globe, rather than just by me, as they contribute their unique aspects of this “Divine Blueprint” work — ($22 * 4) * 3 = $264.
    • Private Session – two of the offers include a 1-on-1 Session with me: being able to have a private session during this 3-month intensive can greatly facilitate the depth of the personal transformation that is possible, especially because a lot of deep unresolved patterns are likely to come up  (see Session Description for more information) — $199.


    Feature Comparison & Purchase Options for the 5 Special LEAP Launch Offers
    ~ All Prices are for the full 3 Months ~

    ~ The Purchase Options will bring you to the corresponding Table on the LEAP Community website on the Join Us page, where you can sign up for an offer directly, either for Yourself or to Gift to someone.

    ~ Keep in mind that we purposefully chose a greatly reduced value exchange so many more individuals who are struggling financially would feel more welcome and able to participate, rather than being immediately put off by the dollar amounts shown.

    ~ Moreover, for those truly drawn to participate but not able to afford the $27 at this time, we do have a sliding fee option because we do not want to exclude anybody: Please only choose this option if you absolutely have to do so.

    ~ We truly cannot launch this Community without Your support: Thus, if you have the financial abundance to pay a little more than the requested exchange, you can simply add a one-time Donation/Gift when you purchase an offer; or if you prefer you can make a donation using one of the options on the LEAP Community “Support Us” page. Or, as mentioned, you can Gift a membership, possibly even to someone who cannot afford to pay themselves.

    ~ We desire to be as inclusive as possible and to create true Win-Win Opportunities for everyone — if this speaks to You and you are able to help out, we’d love Your support to make this a possibility for Everyone!

    ~ Together we truly are Better… and Together we Will most Certainly Rise!

    basic Membership
    sliding fee option


    $99 = 73% off

    ~ Access entire Community

    ~ Private “New Human” Group Access

    ~ 6 Live Transmission – Activations

    ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ~ Private Session

    Activations &


    $297 = 74% off


    ~ Access entire Community

    ~ Private “New Human” Group Access

    ~ 6 Live Transmission – Activations

    ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ~ Private Session

    Accelerated Membership
    Accelerated + Session

    $127 or $227

    $561=77%  &  $760=70%


    ~Access entire Community

    ~ Private “New Human” Group Access

    ~ 6 Live Transmission – Activations

    ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ~ Private Session

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