Client Feedback & Experiences

I’ve tried every healing modality under the sun… and I’m almost certain I have not experienced something as profoundly deep and healing as I did with Eva. Her love, Intuition and ability to understand and reflect back, was incredibly revealing for me. I felt safe in her presence; fully understood and seen… a rare miracle for me!  She is extremely gifted in her ability to “know” what is being experienced; see into past lives; and hold space for the healing that inevitably emerges. I can not recommend her enough, she is a diamond in the rough!

~ Aeray  (USA)

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Eva. She is thoughtful, inspiring, and has a wide and high range of abilities and knowledge. She made herself available to answer any questions before our session and explain exactly how she works. During the session we were able to go straight away deep into the heart of the energetics I needed to access. Through her vision, insights, sacred voice activations, and energetic support, I was able to access and transform deep grief and knowledge that I’ve been trying to understand for a long time. I would recommend to work with her if you want a no nonsense approach, deep commitment, integrity and profound healing love in the space held for you.

~ Maria S  (UK)

Our session today was truly life-changing; I look forward to many more sessions with you. The way you receive the energies from source/my highest self/guides during our session and expressed it all so clearly, combined with the meditative intentions and light codes offered within our cnnected field were so vibrantly received within my heart. I felt these healing energies and activations radiated throughout my field and opened my inner vision to show me the alchemy that took place. In full Gratitude.

~ Michele A  (USA)

To work once more with Eva was an extraordinary experience, as I so deeply trust her knowing and guidance and ability to tune into the highest of frequencies. I was given the gift of full forgiveness for self and others in the knowing that I have never done anything wrong, and am of a pure heart which is huge for me….not being supported came up funnily while being supported by this powerful healer, energy worker… whatever the word we use these days. I simply am grateful for her and her love, compassion, wisdom and incredible gift and so look forward to working together in community once more. Thank you Eva for you!
~ Rachel N  (Czech Republic)
Eva found me at the right moment in time after I heard from one lady that I have great spiritual potential and that I should also be doing something else in life, so I better find out what it is before my health reminds me about it. I only had a vague idea about my future work and needed guidance. To tell the truth, I was feeling stuck in several areas although I felt that soon it all will be resolved. So far we had four sessions and every one of them was very unique and tackled different things that needed energy clearing, whether I had an idea what to work on or not. With every new session, I had a clearer image of what it is that I should be doing in the future. Every session brought me an understanding of some of the areas in my life. The most valuable thing is that every session brought me much-needed peace accompanied by advice from my guides. Eva has such a gift, so much knowledge, such a strong link with higher dimensions, and is a true walking angel.  

~ Nevena G  (Croatia)

The session was absolutely profound. I got so many pieces together and confirmations that I needed. I will be assimilating this new awareness and letting go of that that needs to make space for the bigger new  to come in. Like the final death and the little part that is afraid and holding on of that old part, this is done and my heart space is free after healing this morning. The whole session activated and cleared me on such a high and deep level and reconnected me back to our soul consciousness. Nothing matters, (life/death)…then I asked what matters – the work matters… Can’t Thank you enough Eva for this guidance and the purest non-woowoo connection you have.
~ Alexandra A  (Sweden)

Working with Eva has been one of the most powerful and transformational experiences I’ve ever had. I am so grateful to have come across her work.

~ Sunita S  (USA)

Kimberly was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis (a very severe auto-immune disease) and Western Medicine had only increasingly invasive options for her (such as chemo) with side effects that were equal in severity to her symptoms and no ability prevent the progression of the disease:

A healer is someone who has a unique ability to understand another on not only a physical level but an emotional one as well.  Their sensitivity to allowing energies to flow through them and into another, while listening to the guidance they are receiving, is instrumental in the healing process.  Eva has these abilities in a way no other healer I have seen has.  My name is Kimberly and I am a 36yr. old woman healing from Stage 5 Myasthenia Gravis.  As a woman who has gone from being in a coma and on life support to a person who is now an avid cyclist I continually amaze the world of western medicine.  I have been called a walking miracle and I credit a great deal of my continued success to Complementary Alternative Practices and the treatments I have received from Eva.  No other practitioner has left me with a feeling of such internal strength.  I have gone to her with MG symptoms that made it difficult for me to walk, lift my arms, even breathe deeply, and after our sessions I not only felt better but was able to set aside the cane and go on a bike ride!  I may be a walking miracle, but it is because of the miracles of people like Eva and her deep desire to help others.  I can think of no other person I would trust or recommend more to anyone else looking to heal.  Eva is truly a godsend… who will help many in her life. 

~ Kimberly G (USA)

Sara has been on a spiritual path for 3 decades, is an amazing artist and someone I consider to be very ‘advanced’; here she is sharing about our work together that helped her reconnect consciously with her spiritual guides and opened up her Light Language:

The depth and intensity of my spiritual work was reinvigorated when I renewed my connection with Eva. Eva’s clear perception and intuitive insights shined a bright light on my own ‘dark night of the soul’ through a difficult transition following my divorce. Especially significant to me was the simple process she did with me to open my heart to soul communication from my ‘tribe of light’, which seemed to be awaiting release through her gentle support and guidance. Since that initial experience, she has continued to channel the information I most need to hear, helping me to connect with the soul or consciousness of what is asking to be created through me. As an artist, my soul’s purpose is to create work that unites spirit and matter and touches the viewer with energetic resonance and aliveness. Eva has helped me to realize and manifest higher levels of my life’s work by helping me to remember who I am and why I am here. For this, I am ever grateful and I cannot recommend Eva highly enough.

~ Sara M  (USA)

Jim had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and with quite debilitating Post Polio Syndrome; traditional Western Medicine had no help for him. He was completely new to energy healing. After 5 sessions he no longer needed his crutches to work and threw away his pain medicine

Eva is a powerful healer on so many levels.  She initially began energy work with me when I was very exhausted and in significant pain and only able to walk with the help of crutches. Her energy sessions are absolutely remarkable and must be experienced to fully appreciate because the experiences cannot be adequately expressed in words. By the end of our sessions, I put my crutches away and gave Eva my (emptied) bottle of high-level prescription pain killers as a memento. When my physical symptoms began to improve, she also became a teacher to me. In her unique caring and compassionate way she began to show me that the responsibility for my complete healing ultimately lay with “me”.  She pointed me to the resources that were most appropriate for me. She explained what these resources were, and why they were essential to this new journey I have undertaken. I would recommend her, without hesitation, to anyone with health challenges!

~ Jim B  (USA)

This recollection is from Sue who has been on a spiritual path for many decades and is one of the most ‘connected’ individuals I know; her own ability to ‘see’ and to facilitate ‘healing’ are profound.

Eva’s work with energy is a dynamic, soothing experience. I felt myself fill with light and open past any knowing of myself. Her hands left me in a divine trance and I don’t think she touched me…  It was like… I came all apart in particles, got rinsed out with light and then ‘came back together’ in a newer form. I felt Levels of Mastery being downloaded into me, customized for my life and wholeness. I had no idea she had left the room at the finish. I feel great even in remembering the session.

~ Sue S  (USA)

Susie was completely new to energy work and had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis with moderately severs symptoms that flared up considerably at times; this is what she shared after our two sessions:

I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and I wanted to find some alternative medicine to help me.  I went to see Eva and I felt when I went in to see her for the 1st time I was doing ok. After my 1st session with her my head was so clear, my whole body felt like it had gone through a total body cleansing. It is very hard to explain (and needs to be experienced) — I feel so much better. Then I went for another healing session thinking I felt fine, I left and felt great but wow – it was about two days later I felt like a totally brand new person. I feel great – even like I could run a marathon and I have even told people that I no longer have MS. I just feel that it has left my body. I can’t really explain it, but after talking to cancer patients and other patients with chronic illness they are telling me the same thing. I truly recommend Eva and her energy healing work to anyone; it is an experience that everyone should have.  It’s fantastic and truly life-changing.

~ Susie K  (USA)

Here is what Cynthia shared after I was guided to give her an impromptu back & neck massage while sitting behind her at an event; Cynthia herself has been on the path for a long time and is a talented healer herself.

While I was sitting at an event with Sai Maa [who is an enlightened Teacher & Healer], waiting for the morning session to begin, Eva, who was sitting directly behind me put her hands on my shoulders for a quick massage. On contact I was immediately aware of the energy from her hands –’healing hands’– massaging my shoulders. It was a beautiful strong energy that came through. Even after she stopped, I was aware of this wonderful energy lingering on my shoulders for quite some time… I believe it was several hours later, after the morning session, that I saw Eva in the elevator and could still feel the strong, soothing energy.

~ Cynthia K  (USA)

Here are some experiences from Joy who is a very gifted energy worker herself and a massage therapist; she recounts experiences from several sessions: I am including them because what Joy is describing is quite representative of what individuals experience during their sessions and it also shows the wide range of situations in which energy work can be extremely helpful:

I received an energy healing treatment the day before I was scheduled to take a big licensing exam.  My mind was scattered and racing and my energy felt agitated and restless.  Throughout the course of the treatment, I felt all of that nervous energy dissipate and afterward I felt completely relaxed and at ease—the feeling lasted throughout the rest of the day and into the next—I was able to take my exam from that place of feeling centered and at peace rather than frazzled.  Oh, and I passed the test : )

At one point during an energy healing treatment I suddenly felt as if I was spinning, or as if energy was spinning around me.  I was reminded of a visualization I had once read about in which one sits in a vortex and allows it to spin off everything you don’t need—old, outdated thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and patterns. That’s how this spinning energy felt to me, as if it were releasing everything I needed to release.

Energy healing work with Eva usually begins with me feeling surrounded and blanketed in a feeling of peace and well-being, and I relax and let go and usually enter a deeply restorative meditative space.  When I am completely filled with love/life-force/whatever you want to call it, the release occurs; the energy shifts and I can feel things drop away and come bubbling to the surface as they are released, and sometimes this process can be a bit uncomfortable… but it always feels entirely safe because I have already experienced being surrounded by peace and love and healing first.  It’s like breathing—first I breathe in what I need, and then am able to exhale what I don’t need any longer.

I received an energy healing treatment the day after my last day at a job and the day before moving to a new place. I hadn’t slept well the night before, tossing & turning, thinking about all the clients & friends I was leaving behind and feeling nervous & unsure about what lay ahead and had a terrible headache with some nausea. After feeling embraced by the usual warm/loving energy & feeling more relaxed… the energy shifted and all of a sudden I was overcome with emotion, crying for how hard I’d worked at this job & how much I’d loved it, and living in this town, and basically grieving what needed to be grieved in order for me to move on. Afterward, we discussed that moment, and Eva said that just prior to the emotional release I experienced, she had requested (silently) for me to release all attachments that needed to be released. As I moved to the new town & started a new job, I felt much more at peace about the decision and move than I ever have with any other move.  It was exactly what I needed to let go of the past in order to live fully in the present.

~ Joy J  (USA)

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