About My Work

My Cosmology, the Uniqueness of this Time & the Potency of this Work

Mental Understanding versus Experienced Knowing & Embodiment

In order to grasp the unique and potent nature of the work I offer, it is helpful to share a little about my understanding as to why this lifetime is like no other we have ever experienced and why heretofore impossible quantum leaps in our inner evolution are now increasingly becoming available to us. If you are newer to this type of work, some of what I share here may not make sense. If this is the case, this is totally fine: Especially when it comes to knowing if working with me is right for you, it is primarily about Resonance rather than mind-based understanding. If what I share here speaks to you in some way, even if it doesn’t all make sense, my work likely is for You.

More generally, it is important to note that my work is less about ‘words’ and ‘mental understanding’ and much more purely about the energetic work that is being facilitated. The higher the levels of Source energy we work with, the less our limited mind can comprehend what is happening and the more subtle the experiences become. The more we can move out of “mind-based understanding” and into “felt-experienced-sensing”, the deeper and more profound our Embodied Knowing of these higher States of Awareness will become. This is even more true for my “advanced” session and group work: As we work with higher levels of Source frequencies, there will be fewer words, more silence and increasingly subtle experiences. If this speaks to You, even deeper states of Experienced Embodied Knowing and thus even deeper Alchemical Changes of your Inner Experience and Outer Reality become available; these deep shifts empower us to become the unique Alchemists of Creation we each explicitly came here to Be and to live ever more joy-filled, abundant and passionate lives.

Uniqueness of this Time & What is Becoming Possible for Us

Although we are currently in this 3rd dimensional human expression, we are multidimensional in nature and we are simultaneously existing at many different levels of creation and in many different forms – most of them are ‘non-physical’ in nature. This lifetime is like no other we have ever experienced on earth as cycles [planetary] within larger cycles [galactic] within larger cycles [universal] are aligning and coming to completion. We therefore have the possibility to consciously re-connect with Source and to embody our Divinity to an extent never possible before, all while remaining here in our physical forms. That is, we have the opportunity to integrate all of our higher aspects into this physical form. During previous ascension cycles, as we increased our vibration, we ascended OUT of our bodies and into orbs of light; in this lifetime, we are ascending INTO our bodies by enlightening them and we thus ascend WITH our form – a process I refer to as Inner-scension”. As our vibration increases and we continuously embody more Light, we literally Alchemize our Bodies from Carbon- into a Crystalline-based Form. This has never before been possible to such an extent and, thus, no one – not even the higher dimensional beings – know how this ascension will unfold.

Directly related to the unique time we are in, we currently have an opportunity to complete ALL of our incarnations, not just those here on earth. If you are here reading this, you likely also came here to reach a very high level of Embodied Ascension. For many of you that also means you brought in a lot of karmic patterns to transmute, both for personal and for planetary evolution; that is, whether you are aware of it or not, you are likely a very advanced soul who is offering great planetary service to All. Similarly, many of you may feel that you have an important ‘calling’ to step into at this time, even if you are not yet clear what that may be. What all this means is that you incarnated to reach high levels of ascended mastery and that you have an important role to play at this pivotal time in our planetary evolution.

How is this relevant to the Work I offer and to Us Working together at this Time?

If what I have shared resonates as Truth with you, it means that you have an incredible opportunity to complete much, if not all, of your incarnational cycle and to fully integrate your Divinity by alchemizing your physical form into a body of light – literally a Light-body. This also means that you signed up for a lot to complete and transmute in an incredibly accelerated fashion. This is no walk in the park and we knew it would be crucial to receive support to accomplish this along the way. The work I offer ~Alchemy of Creation~ was truly designed for this time right now to assist those who know it is possible to shift in heretofore impossible ways. It is because I have been Walking my Walk rather than just Talking it that I am gaining an ever-increasing Experienced Embodied Knowing of all I have to share as true and Truth —rather than just having an intellectual understanding of it; this allows me to facilitate high levels of Personal Alchemy and Inner-scension together with those who also resonate with this as true, be it in my session, group or mentoring work. Transformation through this work is no longer just linear, but distinctly Non-linear, or Quantum, in nature and happening at an ever-accelerating pace. Lifetimes of karmic patterns can now be resolved and levels of our Divinity Re-membered and Embodied that is quite Unique to the Time we are in and the Type of Work I share.

What is Being Facilitated through this Work?

On the broadest level, there are two major aspects to this work: One is to help clear out our deepest unresolved karmic patterns. The second is to facilitate our fullest Re-membrance of our own Divinity, while remaining in and alchemizing our physical form. Both aspects of this work are essential – truly they are flip-sides of the same coin: My ability to facilitate both facets to equal degrees has helped to make this the uniquely powerful ‘creational alchemy’ work it has come to be.

The Clearing & Resolving of Karmic Wounding

This aspect of the work helps to clear our deepest unresolved karmic patterns, imprints and cellular memories that have greatly impacted and limited us across many of our incarnations. Given that we are in the time of the grand completion of this universal cycle, we do have the opportunity to complete all of these patterns, here and now, once and for all. In our work, we do not just resolve the karmic patterns from this or one or two other lifetimes as is typical for most of this type of work. Instead, my work assists in resolving these karmic patterns across All of your incarnations to the extent that (a) these patterns are close enough in “energetic signature” to also be activated and (b) it is in your highest alignment for them to be resolved at that time. From a soul level perspective, at times we have karmic patterns that may still require us to have further experiences and understandings related to those patterns before it would be in highest aligned for them to be fully resolved. Thus, although it may not be possible to resolve 100% of the patterns [at least not yet!], we can now address 100s or 1000s of incarnations in one session, rather than just dealing with a few lifetimes at a time. This is something that simply has not been possible until this point in time. It makes this work infinitely more exciting and potent and I look forward to sharing it with you.

Remembering our Divinity & Embodying it in Form

Due to the grand completion of this universal cycle of time, we also have the possibility to fully re-connect with, harmonize and integrate all of our higher, non-physical aspects of Self all the way back up to Source. Most importantly, we are able to do so while remaining here in our physical forms and alchemizing them from their carbon- into their crystalline-based expressions. This has not been possible since we descended into this 3rd dimensional realm. My work greatly assists in this process of Inner-scension, primarily through facilitating our Experienced Embodied Knowing of the Truth of Who we AreDivinity in Form. It is this increasingly undeniable Knowing Within Ourselves that allows for the deepest Alchemical Changes to occur.

Here are some examples of what this work helps to facilitate within us:

Reconnecting with Infinite Source Creator, our Higher Self & our Team of Light
Embodying our True Divine Nature & Inherent Perfection in Form
Activating our Multi-Dimensional DNA
Restoring our Original Divine Blueprint
Igniting our suppressed Super-powers
Remembering & Activating our Starseed Origins
Reigniting our Unique Gifts & Abilities
Living our highest Soul’s Calling & deepest Heart’s Desires
Hearing, Honoring & Trusting our Highest Guidance Within
Empowering us to Embody our Personal Mastery
Increasing Health & Well-being in all areas of our Life
Living our truly Abundant, Joy-filled and Radiant Lives

In essence, this work is here to help Us Embody the Unique “Alchemists of Creation” each of Us explicitly Came here to Be, to Express, and to Share.

If these possibilities excite you and resonate deeply within, I hope you will explore the many different ways of working with me: This includes 1-1 Sessions with Individuals and Couples; Live Online Group Work, including Basic and Advanced Monthly Call series and Special Portal Day Transmissions; Individual and Small Group Mentorships; and our truly Co-Created Global Online Community, here to help us find, connect and uplift each other and to Co-create the New – both globally and locally. Regardless of the specific ways you may be interested in working together, I strongly suggest reading over my Session Description, as that will give you a much more detailed overview of what my work involves. It will also be helpful to look over the Client Feedback to get some idea of what others have been experiencing with this work. Ultimately, however, the best way to know if this work is for you is to experience it.

My Newsletter is the most reliable way to find out about any Gifted Opportunities and Events; the Upcoming Events & Announcements section will also be updated consistently. I also plan on uploading new Youtube videos of my own work on a more consistent basis [currently most videos are of the Divine Council Calls I used to host]. Please be sure to go to my RememberingYourPerfection Youtube channel and Subscribe so you will be notified as soon as I begin posting again. The easiest and most cost-effective way to experience some of my work will be through joining our Global Online LEAP Community: This is not just another ‘personal membership site’ of one person’s work but is truly Co-created by many advanced way-showers from around the world. Even the basic membership, which is sliding-fee-based, will have consistent live-streams for you to join; equally important, of course, is the opportunity to meet your soul tribe, to support and uplift each other, and to begin to co-create our New Earth world together — this community is truly about bringing our individual community together and to focus on what Unites us, rather than on what divides us. It truly is Time.

What Modalities, Guides & Energetic Processes are a Part of this Work?

My primary connection I work with is directly with Infinite Source Creator and, therefore, that is what is being facilitated in my work. Given that All is contained within Source –including any and all frequencies, vibrations, Beings of light, healing modalities, toning, light language, activations, transmissions and knowledge– everything IS accessible and CAN come through in our work. Often, no specific ‘guides’ or ‘light-beings’ make themselves known, although they are still present and assist in facilitating our work. Occasionally certain ‘guides’ will make themselves known and explicitly bring through specific energy work and information for you; when this happens, it means that doing so is important to facilitate the most powerfully aligned transformation at that time. Examples of “beings” that come through in this work are Ascended Masters, Archangels, Groups of Galactics or Star Families, Councils of Light, Elohim, or Loved Ones and Pets – whether alive or passed on. Similarly, any and all types of healing modalities, energetic processes, initiations, activations, transmissions, Light Languages, and Toning can come through—whatever is in the highest alignment for you or the group at that time.

Energetically there is so much happening multi-dimensionally at any given moment in time and on so many levels of creation, that it would be impossible to be aware of it all. On occasion, when it is important, some specific energetic processes that are unfolding will be brought to my awareness; if guided, I will share that information with you and describe some of the energetic work that is taking place. It is important to note that what I am being made aware of is only a very small fraction of what is actually taking place. Most importantly, no matter whether I am being guided to share anything via voice or not, the full range of energy work is always coming through and will always be uniquely orchestrated for you [and the group]. When I am being guided to share something out loud –whether it is information, guidance, Light Language or Toning– it will assist in deepening the energetic work that is already taking place. Primarily, this assists in bringing this high-frequency, multi-dimensional, quantum-level work into our physical plane, thus helping to anchor and integrate these shifts into our physical reality and form.

How is this Work Facilitated for You?

As Everything is simply [and most profoundly] energy –including You and Me– and is thus contained within Infinite Source Creator and the Quantum Field, ALL is accessible in our work together. Your Unique Expression of ‘Infinite Source Creator’ here in this physical and elsewhere in non-physical form determines what energetic work is most aligned for You. What comes through in our work and the precise energetic processes that you experience are uniquely orchestrated for You by Your Higher Self and Team of Light; this is equally the case whether we are doing ‘1-on-1 session’ or ‘group’ work, or whether we are doing ‘online’ or ‘in-person’ work. Everyone will receive their uniquely facilitated energetic work directly through the Quantum Field. Only a very minute portion of the work is transmitted by me. One of my Gifts is to access Infinite Source Creator through moving into the Zero-point Field and opening an energetic doorway that allows the most potently aligned energetics to come through. Infinite Source Creator, my Higher Self & Team of Light essentially co-create this facilitation with Yours. Everything that is coming through in all of my work is completely guided and originates directly from Source; it is then uniquely facilitated by your Higher Self & Team of Light for you and delivered directly to you through the all-pervasive quantum field of light.

Now that you have a much better overview of what my work is about, I suggest taking a look at my Session Description to get a fuller idea of what my sessions are like and what is likely to transpire and come through for you. I would suggest doing so even if you are not directly interested in Individual or Couple session work given that what I describe there is highly relevant for my Group, Mentorship and Global LEAP Community work.

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