Sessions for Couples & Sacred Union Work

Romantic Relationship Expertise & Sessions for Couples

One of my primary areas of expertise, when I was still an academic in psychology, was romantic relationships, with a focus on who we are attracted to and why, and the impact – if any – this may have on relationship quality over time; my particular vantage point to examining this was through Adult Attachment Styles. Interestingly, as soon as I came across the ideas of Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Sacred Unions once I had unexpectedly stumbled onto my spiritual path, I immediately felt the truth and resonance of these concepts. And, by now, after 16 years on the path, I have developed a very deep understanding of the “Path of the Beloved” and I have had much personal experience in this regard as well. I also feel that “Sacred Unions” indeed have an important part to play during this pivotal planetary shift we are in.

Combining my 20 years of studying, teaching and researching in psychology with my 16 years of embodied mastery based on my own deep spiritual work, allows me to offer particularly potent work when it comes to romantic relationships and couples. This applies whether you are currently in a relationship or not, and whether your partner is open to do this work together with you, or not. We know that it is only as we address and resolve whatever is still limiting our ability to Love and Be Loved — i.e., to become the Be-Loved Within Ourselves — that we can truly magnetize our true Beloved to us who will be able to meet us precisely where we are at and where we Know is truly a Possibility in this lifetime for us. So, if “romantic relationship” or “Beloved” themes are activated for you, I’d be excited to address this in our work together.

Set-up and Dynamics of my Work on Relationships & with Couples

If you have a partner who is willing to do this work together with you, I’d also be delighted to connect to explore if this work might be for both of you. My work with couples consists of both individual sessions with each partner and combined sessions with both of you. Thus far in my client work, in every case of romantic relationship challenges, there have been very strong ‘past life’ soul-mate connections and experiences that have become re-activated and that heavily “bleed through” and thus influence current relationship dynamics and events. Because of this dynamic, it is almost impossible for either of the partners to “objectively” and/or “impartially” view and process their current relationship dynamics. Working directly and specifically to address these issues can have profoundly deep effects – not only for the relationship but also for both of the individuals involved.

Even if turns out that the relationship is not meant to continue at this time, addressing the often extremely deep woundings that each of the partners carry within themselves is Key to ensure that the next romantic connection will be much more elevated and aligned than your previous one. As we know, especially for those who feel they are on the “Beloved Journey”, it is primarily about doing our personal, inner work. The more aligned and whole we are within, the more aligned and whole our next partner will be, and the more aligned and whole your next romantic connection can be.

Multi-Session Options

I have several multi-session offers for couples that consist of sets of three sessions: 3, 6 or 9. Each Set typically includes two 1-on-1 sessions for each of the partners and one 2-on-1 session that I hold together with both of you. In most cases it is advantageous to address some of the deepest triggers separately within each individual before working on resolving them on the relationship level. Sometimes both partners of the couple choose to be present for each other’s individual sessions or they choose to have more combined sessions. This is to say, there will be flexibility, as well as –for example– to add on an additional individual or couple session, as may feel aligned. It is all about taking whatever approach is most aligned in each situation. The multi-session options I offer simply are what is most aligned for most couples.

If this type of work intrigues you, do reach out. At the moment I only work with couples once I’ve had a chance to speak to both partners to assure that there is a good fit for all involved. To find out more about how I approach my value exchanges, please go to Overview – Read First and, subsequently, the Services & Exchange page under the PURCHASE Menu; this will give you all the information you need before reaching out to me and setting up a phone conversation.

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