Live Online Group Work

Monthly Call Series & Portal Day Activation Journeys

Nature of the Live Meditation Journeys

~ If you resonate with my work, yet a mentorship or 1-on-1 sessions are not aligned for you at this time, participating in one of my Live Online Group events might be a great option for you.

~ If you have not done so, I strongly recommend you look over the About – My Work and Sessions – Session Description pages because the information there is key to understanding the nature and potency of my group work; to avoid repetition, I will only provide minimal information here.

~ Just as is true for my 1-on-1 session work, all of my group work is fully Divinely guided. I feel that the best way to describe these call is as “meditation journeys” and also as “transmission-activation-attunements” — although I realize we all define these terms differently, if you simply feel into the energetics of those words, you will get a feel for what this work is like.

~ My group work is not about visualizations or active mind-based participation: It is more about deeply relaxing into the energetic facilitation and into the words and sounds that are being shared. There is absolutely nothing to do other than to relax, to open and to receive during our time together. It is your gift to yourself; you honoring yourself.

 ~ As I access the zero-point field and allow for the Infinite Source Creator energies to flow, the Group receives what is in highest alignment for everyone at that time. In addition, each participant also receives what is uniquely aligned for them, as their Higher Self and Team of Light facilitate the energies specifically for each of them.

~ Each participant directly receives the energetic facilitation through the Quantum Field where-ever and when-ever they are listening, which includes the recordings.

~ The work can be surprisingly physical in nature and it is important to be aware that increased rest, relaxation, time in nature, time in or even close to water [ocean, lake, shower, bathtub] and time to oneself might be important and needed; a need to drink more clean, high vibrational water and a temporary change in food preferences and desires can occur as the physiology may need different nutrients to accommodate the alchemical changes taking place.

What may Come Through during the Live Calls

~ As is the case for my individual session work, what comes through during my Group Meditations –in addition to the energy work which is of primary importance– is a combination of information, guidance and a description of the energy work that is being facilitated.

~ The potency of this energy work, especially when it comes to bringing its effects from the higher dimensional frequencies all the way into our third dimensional physical form, is further amplified through the light language, toning, soul song and periods of profound stillness that are being transmitted. In fact, some of the most powerful energetic transformations take place during periods of stillness and experiences of the “void space” that are being facilitated from the highest levels of creation.

~ Often, specific Beings of Light, such as Ascended Masters, Angelics, Elohim, Councils of Light, Star-families, or a high-level Group Consciousness will come through to facilitate specific energetic processes or to share specific messages that are of particular importance to the unique group of individuals who are part of that particular group event.

~ To that end, the fact that a particular soul group is magnetized together to participate in a specific event or program, rather than randomly coming together, is something that our Teams of Light harness; they deliberately work with the group synergy among the participants, which can greatly amplify the potency of the energy work taking place.

~ This magnetization together of soul groups –be it 2-3 or 1000 individuals- is increasing in strength and also in importance at this time; these are soul re-connections we have carefully planned out before we came into this incarnations. We are at a truly pivotal time for humanity and our planet, and we knew we could not accomplish this momentous task by only working in isolation of each other: It is only as we impeccably follow our guidance and come together in Unity Consciousness that we can harness the exponential amplification of our individual energetics.


Additional Information about this Work

~ Ultimately, the best way to know if this work is for you is to experience it. After having taking a hiatus from offering much of this work, I look forward to share my greatly expanded and upgraded work via my Youtube channel, some gifted calls, and other introductory opportunities that you can learn about via my Newsletter. I’ll soon also make a couple of meditations available that you can listen to when signing up for my newsletter [if you’ve already signed up, we’ll send that link via email once available].

~ Another way to readily experience the group work I offer is via one of the Global LEAP Community Memberships: Right now, I highly recommend that you explore the 3-Month “Birthing the New Divine Human” Special Offer we have carefully put together to help crowd-fund the LEAP Community launch. Depending on which of the Memberships or Special Offers you sign up for, you will get a chance to experience me offering a live practice, a transmission-activation, or the monthly call series meditation journeys.

What is Being Facilitated by this Work

  • Here are examples of some of the benefits of this work:

Resolution of Deep Karmic Patterns & Imprints
Remembering & Embodying our True Divine Nature
Activating our Unique Gifts & Abilities
Empowering us to Step into our Soul’s Calling
Embodying our Personal Mastery
Connecting to the Higher Realms & our Inner Guidance
Activating our original Divine Blueprint & dormant multi-dimensional DNA
Facilitating our alchemical transformation from Carbon- to Crystalline-based form
Experiencing greater Joy, Passion & Abundance in our Lives
Feeling greater Peace, Harmony, Health & Well-being more of the Time
Accelerating our ability to Embody these Changes &
to Express them ever more Fully in every Aspect of our Lives

Regular Group Offers & Special 3-Month Offer

There are 3 Different Group Offers plus the Combined Call Series you can participate in:

1. Accelerated Embodied Ascension~ Call Series – Weekly calls – 4 per month
2. Portal Day Activations~ Transmission-Activation Meditation Journeys
3. Cosmo-Genesis Call Series~ NOT offered at this time
4. “New Divine Human” Program~ Special 3-Month LEAP Launch Offer

Accelerated Embodied Ascension – Monthly Call Series

  • Monthly Call Series – 1 per week – 4 Calls in Total  ~ $77
  • Calls are generally held on Saturdays at 12pm/Noon PST, 3 pm EST, evening European time & morning the following day in Australia/New Zealand; however, carefully check the days/times before signing up.
  • Calls are typically 60-90 minutes long; because they are fully guided, it is not possible to specify the exact length of the calls
  • You will have Recording Access during the month of the calls to further deepen the effects
  • This Series is for everyone who resonates with my work; if you are drawn to participate, it’s very likely right for you.
  • The calls generally include a combination of the following elements:
    • Deep clearing of karmic patterns & imprints and any blockages associated with them 
    • Transmissions, activations and upgrades: Some of these will be upgrades of energetic processes that have been available for a while (such as Pineal activation, Heart-Mind Coherence activation, Chakra upgrades), while others may be brand new and just newly accessible at the time of our gathering.
    • As always, whatever is in absolute highest alignment will come through; this also means that every call is completely unique.
  • In addition to the general effects of my group work mentioned already, participating in these Meditation Journeys over a 4-week period of time will help to:
    • Facilitate powerful, cumulative effects and lasting changes over time
    • Support us in steadily increasing our vibration & our ability to integrate the rising influx of cosmic energies with fewer ascension symptoms
    • Accelerate our ability to embody our personal mastery & make practical changes in our lives
    • Enable us to move through our deep inner transformation & these uncertain times with much more ease & grace.

Special Portal Day Transmission-Activation Journeys

  • Special Live online Portal Day Transmission-Activation Journey ~ $33
  • These Portal Day Events take advantage of the extra potency of the energetics that are much more readily accessible during certain powerful windows of time.
  • These Meditation Journeys harness & bring through the most current and most powerful clearings, activations, attunements and updates available to us at that time.
  • Keeping our physical and energetic bodies up to date with these latest energetic clearings & upgrades greatly eases our ability to integrate the increasingly potent cosmic energies flooding the earth and assists us in alchemizing our bodies from carbon- to crystalline-based forms.
  • I call these group events Transmission-Activation Meditation Journeys because they are not like regular guided meditations or even our Call Series events: Instead, they take us on a meditative journey to see what cutting edge clearings, healings, upgrades, downloads, initiations, knowledge, wisdom and light technology our Teams of Light, Higher Selves and Infinite Source Creator have in store for us.
  • Whereas the Call Series work is focused on facilitating the deepest, cumulative & lasting transformation for the Group over the 4-week period of time, the Portal Day Transmissions are more focused on harnessing and maximizing the Transformational Impact of what is available at the specific time the group event takes place.
  • The portal day meditations often can be a little longer in duration and can also be a bit higher in intensity, which can lead some individuals to experience stronger “after effects” that can be more similar to my 1-on-1 session work, as the body readjusts and works on integrating the deep energetic work. 
  • Participants will have access to the recording after the event; the energies of the live calls are fully accessible via the recordings at a later point in time.
  • Many re-listen to the audios to deepen the effects; however, re-listening is not necessary, so follow your inner guidance as to what is right for you.
  • Calls are typically 60-90 minutes long; because they are fully guided, it is impossible to specify their exact length of time.
  • The calls tend to be held Saturday or Sunday at 11 a.m. or 12/noon p.m. PST, 2/3 pm EST, which often corresponds to 7/8 pm London, and 6/7 am Sydney on the following day; note that different countries vary in implementing day-light savings times
  • Please carefully check when a specific Group Event is scheduled to take place and Your exact Time Zone before every call if you would like to attend live.

 CosmoGenesis or ANANON Experience
~ Not offered at this time ~

  • ANANON stands for – AllNess And NOthingNess (and also OneNess) Experience
  • If I am going to try and give a name to something that is almost completely beyond the realm of our current understanding and experience, as I need to do to talk about this work, both of the names for this work are quite descriptive.
  • Note that this Series is not currently offered because I will be offering a lot of additional group calls on the Global LEAP Community as part of their Special 3-Month Community Launch Offers.
  • If you think you might be interested in this call series, I suggest to (a) subscribe to my newsletter so you can find out when it is scheduled next, (b) send me an email and let me know of your potential interest, and (c) participate in the LEAP Community — I am sure I’ll have some Group Meditations there that will be more like this CosmoGenesis work!
  • These meditation-journeys can probably be best described as Attunements as they tend to be about “entraining” our current 3D “particle-wave expressions” –aka physical forms– to the highest, most aligned levels of creational energies available at the time we have our call.
  • Through experiencing these higher “levels” or “expressions” of creational energies, we attune and entrain to them, which allows us to bring these higher levels into our form and our forms into these higher levels — hence, my referring to our current evolutionary cycle as INNER-scension.
  • This lifetime is unique because we have the opportunity to consciously re-connect our physical expressions here in 3D form all the way “back up” to Source; it is through this process of attuning and entraining to these highest frequencies that we can experience profound alchemical shifts in our physical form that have never been possible before.
  • In general, these attunements
    • have fewer words, less information & longer periods of silence/stillness
    • bring through frequencies that are higher and more refined
    • facilitate experiences that are much more subtle & individualized
    • facilitate our Experienced Knowing of the highest Expression of Creation that we are capable of experiencing at that time…
    • … thus helping us to Embody this Knowing as our bodies alchemize into increasingly less dense and more crystalline forms

 How to Sign Up for the Live Group Events
~ See our Special 3-Month “New Divine Human” Community Launch Offers ~

~ Before signing up for any of my Group Events, please take a look at the Special 3-Month Offer I am closely co-creating with the LEAP Community to help them crowd-fund their Launch.

~ I am currently offering both my Monthly 4-Call “Accelerated Ascension” Series and the “Portal Day Transmission-Activations” in coordination with the LEAP Community Launch.

~ That means that when I offer these group events next and how they are offered is closely tied to the Community launch.

~ Both of these group events are included in the Special 3-month “Birthing the New Divine Human from Within” Offers that are currently available: Each offer also includes several other powerful features and is provided at a highly reduced exchange to create a true win-win opportunity for everyone.

~ I strongly believe in what the Global LEAP Community has to offer and that it has an extremely important role to play at this pivotal time in our planetary evolution.

~ Go to our “Community” page to see what these Offers are about.

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