Session Description

General Description of Sessions & My 1-on-1 Work

Flow of Sessions & How to Allow the Deepest Changes to Occur

Overview of Session Work

Although some of the information here is unique to my 1-on-1 session work with individuals, most of the sections here apply equally to my work with couples, groups and to my mentorships. I therefore strongly recommend to read through this information, even if you are not currently looking for 1-on-1 work; you will develop a much better idea of the actual nature of my work and the details provided here will not be found anywhere else on this site.

Every session – whether personal, couple or group – will be completely unique as I will always impeccably follow the Divine guidance I receive. Having said that, I will provide a description of the typical flow of a session and what generally unfolds during it. Even though ‘group work’ is quite different from 1-on-1 work, a lot of what I share applies as well; so please read this section regardless of what services you might be interested in. From the broadest perspective, individuals who are newer to energy work and the spiritual path or those who are still more mentally-focused, may have sessions that involve more information and verbal interchanges. Those who have been on the path for a longer period of time tend to have sessions with a greater focus on the energy work that is taking place and the deeper knowledge that is coming through. In a similar vein, for individuals who have multiple sessions with me, earlier sessions often have more of a focus on resolving karmic patterns, explaining ascension mechanics and sharing self-mastery tools. Later sessions can then focus on more advanced processes, such as DNA activation and Divine Blueprint restoration, transmissions and attunements, and alchemical embodiment processes. For this more advanced energetic work to be fully integrated and have a real impact on how we live our lives, it will be necessary for us to have already cleared much of our karmic patterns and to consistently be in higher vibrational states.

Typical Session Flow

In the beginning, we will take a few moments to fully arrive, center, consciously connect to Source and tune in to Source and our Teams of Light. Typically, the energies are more than ready to come through and the deep energetic work will continue through to the end of the session, whether we sit in silence, I may do some toning, or we may have an interchange. The energies and information that Source, Your Higher Self and your Team of Light bring forth perfectly set up the session for you so that the deepest, most profound and aligned transformation can take place. Most of the time, something that comes through during this initial part of our session will bring up something for you that you will be guided to share, and things tend to organically evolve from there. Our sessions often involve some back and forth in that way. Importantly, if at any time during our session you feel prompted to share something with me, please do because that means it is relevant to what is happening in the session: This could be anything, such as some seemingly random thought, a memory, a flash going through your mind, an emotion, a dream, a past life vision or a current issue – even if it seems completely non-sensical or unrelated to you. Whatever it might be, if you are nudged to share it out loud, I hope you will feel comfortable doing so. You can be assured that no matter how ‘sensitive’ or ‘odd’ it may feel to you, I will either have experienced it myself [in this or another life] or have had clients who did. In our session space, there is nothing off limits, nothing too light or too dark, or too unusual to share.

Our session is the best time to go very deep for you: If some deep emotions show up or some memories or imagery surface, it is the perfect time to fully allow yourself to experience and honor whatever comes up for you. During our session, you are held in the highest frequencies of Love-Light that are here to harmonize whatever is in the highest alignment for you. Our sessions are the safest, most supportive and most profoundly transformative space to finally be able to fully Presence any experiences that may have deeply impacted and limited you. If something deep comes up during our session work, it means it is ready to be addressed and brought into wholeness at that time. Thus, the more you can allow yourself to go with whatever shows up for you, the more profound the sessions tend to be.

Having said that, deep energetic work and change will happen during our sessions whether you personally experience anything or are guided to share something out loud, or not. Every single one of us experiences energy work in completely unique ways and the beauty of the work I offer is that it is fully guided and orchestrated by Infinite Source Creator, Your Higher Self and your Team of Light: This means the most aligned energetics and the deepest possible transformation will occur, no matter what. In my experience, the more you can trust and be open to this being a real possibility, the more potent the energetic shifts tend to be.

What may Happen during a Session?

From the beginning, all the way to the end of our session, the energies will flow and bring about the deepest changes, no matter whether we have a verbal interchange, sit in silence or something else may be taking place. The purely energetic aspect is the most important part of my work; any information, light language, toning or periods of deep silence will further add to and deepen the potency of the energy work. What combination of these elements will come through varies greatly and depends on what is in the highest alignment for you at the time. Please also read About my Work to get a much deeper understanding of the scope of my work.

For those of you who are newer to this type of work, here is a brief description of the different elements that may come through, in addition to the energetic work that is taking place. Keep in mind that every aspect of this work facilitates changes on the multi-dimensional and quantum levels, so any examples I give here are limited and overly simplistic in nature. I offer these descriptions only so that those new to this work can develop a better idea of what it is about.


The information that may come through could be intuitive guidance, specific messages any loved ones or guides may have for you, a description of what is happening energetically or any practical tools relevant to the topic at hand. If there is a particularly central ‘experience’ you may have had that is at the core of many similar karmic patterns across many incarnations, I may be shown more specific information to share with you. Often I will also be given certain words or phrases designed to capture the essence of the core wounding of that experience; this will facilitate the depth of the energetic work as it assists in reaching deeper levels of the wounding and it helps to bring the energetic shifts from the higher dimensions all the way into the physical plane, which is a key aspect of this work.

Light Language (LL)

The LL that comes through also varies greatly depending on what is in alignment for you at the time. LL is a combination of sounds that is non-verbal in nature. LL can facilitate many different things, including helping to resolve the energetics of karmic patterns; releasing cellular trauma & imprints; reactivating memories, divine blueprints, multi-dimensional DNA, and a deeper knowing of who you are; awaken your own Light Language or any other unique gifts and abilities you may have. The specific LL that comes through often is also in some ways ‘related’ to Who You Are: It could be from your Higher Aspects, Your Team of Light, one of your major Starseed Families of Light, or a particular Council of Light – essentially, any group of Beings you have an important connection with that is important for you to Re-Member at this time. Often these types of transmissions serve to Re-activate a deep Inner Knowing of the Truth and of Aspects of Who You Are, thus also activating related gifts, abilities and areas of expertise within you that are particularly relevant to this soul group of yours. Often just hearing it brings a deep sense of Remembrance of Feeling of Being Home.

Light Language is of a much higher frequency than regular spoken language and its non-verbal nature can bypass our minds and thus have a much deeper and more direct effect. Sometimes the guides offer an approximate meaning of the LL or a message that goes along with it; however, often the LL is only about the frequencies and sounds that are transmitted and the deeper energetic shifts and Knowing that it facilitates. At times, the LL may come through in a way that sounds more like a song or singing, something I have come to refer to as “Light Song or “Light Singing”.


Toning, similar to LL, can also facilitate extremely deep energetic shifts. This involves bringing through tones — and thus frequencies & vibrations — that are often held for extended periods of time. Depending on the type of tone or sequence of tones transmitted, it can have very different effects; and, again, these effects are multi-leveled and multi-dimensional in nature. Some of the most common and potent energetic changes facilitated by toning are: to help re-connect and realign the higher-dimensional aspects of our life-stream with your current expression here in physical form; to strengthen the energetic connection between you, the crystalline core of the planet and Source; to reconnect, clear and straighten the Hara line; to help break up stagnant energy patterns and blockages.


Last, but most certainly not least, there will be periods of Silence during our work together. Often that is when the deepest energetic work transpires. Silence offers the opportunity to be much more fully present without any distraction, such as listening to or analyzing what is being said. Being increasingly in a non-verbal state is central to my more advanced work and it often seems that is when the most profound changes do occur. Being in Silence allows us to be present, to experience, to sense, to know, to feel and, most importantly, to BE… thus simply allowing for the most aligned changes to occur. The more we can let go of any expectations and need for mind-based understanding, the more open we are for Any and All possibilities to unfold. Silence and Stillness allow individuals to go into much deeper states of Presence, which tend to facilitate a deeper sense of “Experienced Knowing;” and, Experienced Knowing in turn facilitates the deepest shifts in our embodied ascension – that is, in alchemizing our physical forms.

Arranging 1-on-1 Session Work with Me & Romantic Relationship Work

If you are potentially interested in doing some 1-on-1 Work with me, please reach out. As I am limiting my 1-on-1 work at this time, I will only work with individuals who are truly in resonance and truly excited about working with me. We will set up a phone conversation and explore the fit. Before messaging me, please be sure to also read over the Overview – Read First and the Services & Exchange pages under the PURCHASE Menu; this will give you a much better idea of how I approach my exchanges; we will then be able to address any questions you may have during our conversation.

Multi-session Offers for 1-on-1 Sessions with Individuals

Be aware that I offer several “multi-session offers” to choose from in addition to just arrange for a single session: The options include 3, 5 or 7 session offers. I do this because it makes this work more affordable for you and more powerful: When we make a commitment to ourselves to a certain degree of ‘inner work’, our Higher Self and Team of Light begins to work to set up what will be in highest alignment to be addressed in the ‘set’ of sessions you committed to, as well as what to bring up in between our sessions, which is an important part of doing multiple-session [or Mentorship] work. It is the coordination of ‘things’ on a much higher level that can take place that adds greatly to the potency of our work together. Additionally, the more I work with someone, the deeper and more advanced the work gets to be and the more profound the inner transformation tends to be – this is something I addressed at the beginning of this page.

Information about My Romantic Relationship & Couple Work

If your main area of focus concerns Romantic or Beloved Relationships (eg. Soul Mate, Twin Flame, Sacred Unions) and/or you are interested in exploring doing some Session work for Couples with me, please click the link for additional information. I have long-standing romantic relationship expertise within both the fields of Psychology and Spirituality and doing this type of work is particularly intriguing to me.

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