Alchemy of Creation

Helping You Heal, Awaken & Transform
through Remembering Your Divine Perfection

Eva C Klohnen, Ph.D. Psychology

What is Alchemy of Creation about?

This Ascension Cycle is like no other Humanity has ever experienced.

It is, in fact, about INscension –or INNERscension– rather than Descension into Form or Ascension out of Form, which is what previous ascension cycles have been about.

Innerscension is the simultaneous process of Materializing our Divinity and Divinizing our Matter, as our Bodies shift alchemically from being primarily Carbon- into increasingly Crystalline-based forms.

This is what Alchemy of Creation is about and what it is here to help Facilitate.


If the Potential of this unprecedented Opportunity resonates within and sounds exciting to You, I invite you to explore the Ways that are currently available to work and co-create together with me.


I truly look Forward to Connecting with You!

Overview of my Work

  • We are currently in completely unprecedented times, as cycles within larger cycles of Creation are coming to completion and our entire Universal Expression moves into a whole New Octave of existence.
  • This means that heretofore impossible Quantum Shifts are now increasingly becoming available to us.
  • Alchemy of Creation facilitates such Quantum Shifts at the highest levels of Creation and brings these changes all the way “down” into our Physical Forms.
  • This work is here to empower us to realize and to embody the uniquely potent Alchemist of Creation each of us explicitly came here to Be, to Express and to Share.
  • The Alchemy of Creation energy work accomplishes this by facilitating our Experienced Knowing of our True Divine Nature and our Inherent Perfection we already are and have always been.
  • As this becomes an increasingly irrefutable Knowing within Us –that We are Divinity expressing as Form– it facilitates our ability to Embody this Knowing, thus opening the floodgates for the most profound alchemical transformations to take place.
  • All of this Work –including the 1-on-1 Sessions, Group Work, Mentorships and the Global LEAP Community Live-streams & Special Launch Offer– is fully guided, comes directly from Source and is uniquely facilitated for every individual in Co-creation with their Higher Self and Team of Light.
  • Alchemy of Creation is primarily about the multi-dimensional energy work and only secondarily about the information that is being shared: This shift in focus, from our heads and intellect to our hearts and experience, is essential during this unprecedented Embodied Ascension Cycle we are currently in.
  • Assisting in our INNERscension process is precisely what Alchemy of Creation –with its unique facilitation of our Experienced Embodied Knowing— specializes in.
  • Here are some examples of what this work helps to facilitate in co-creation with us:

* Clearing & Resolution of deep Karmic Patterns & Imprints across Time/Space
* Activation of our Original Divine Blueprint & Multi-Dimensional DNA
* Ignition of our Unique Gifts & Abilities
* Conscious connection with Infinite Source Creator, our Higher Self and our Team of Light
* Ability to tune into and receive Guidance from Within
* Remembrance of our unique Galactic & Starseed Origins
* Re-connection, Harmonization & Integration of key Aspects of our Life-stream
* Living our truest Soul’s Calling & our deepest Heart’s Desires
* Ability to Step ever more fully into our Personal Mastery & make lasting Changes in our Lives
* Experience more Abundant, Joy-filled and Radiant Lives 

  • If the Possibilities of this work resonate and feel exciting to You, I invite you to explore what opportunities are currently available to work and co-create together with me.

Overview of my Services & Special Offer

I am here to Support You in your Embodied Ascension Process in the following Ways

1-1 Session Work


For Individuals & Couples

Single & Multi-Session Offers

Live Online Group Work


Monthly Call Series

Mentorship Opportunities

3-Month Small Group
Individual Mentorships

Global LEAP Community

Join this truly Co-created Online Love, Empowerment And Prosperity —LEAP— Community

To learn more about any of the Services, simply click on any of the Boxes.

However, before doing so, I invite you to check out our 3-Month Special LEAP Launch Offers that combine several of my Services and offer them at a very low Exchange.

Special 3-Month “Birthing the New Divine Human from Within”  Community Launch Offer


Help us Crowd-fund the Launch of this Global LEAP Community, while simultaneously Accelerating our Personal & Planetary Ascension Timelines

LEAP is here to bring us Together on truly Global Scale & to Support us with unique and powerful Opportunities to Connect, to be Empowered & to Co-create the New Earth we have all been Longing for…  that is, LEAP is here to help us be Inspired to become the Change we wish to See!

 &  “Birthing the New Divine Human from Within”
A 3-Month Journey of Re-Activation & Re-Membering

Preparation ~ Activation ~ Integration

This 3-Month program, which includes several of my Services and is offered by facilitators from around the world and by myself, is purposefully offered at a highly reduced exchange & designed to include both powerful practical & spiritual Support to help us to Re-activate & Embody our Original Divine Blueprint & Multi-Dimensional DNA.

 Included in this Offer
~ 6 potent “New Divine Blueprint” Transmission-Activations
~ 3 full Monthly Call Series with 4 Meditation Journeys per month
~ Private 1-on-1 Session
~ 3 live, high-vibrational Embodiment Practices per week
~ LEAP Community Membership with personalized Activity Feeds, Groups, Marketplace, Private Messaging & many other Ways to connect & co-create
~ Exclusive “New Divine Human” Private Group for extra Support, Upliftment & Inspiration

Find out more about what the Global LEAP Community & Special Offers are about

No matter the Services you are interested in, I suggest you look at the About My Work and Session Description pages as they provide important information about what Alchemy of Creation is about, its potency and what makes it unique.

See excerpts of some Client Experiences below to get a better feel for my Work.

Client Feedback & Experiences

Excerpts taken directly from Clients’ Feedback

  • “I’ve tried every healing modality under the sun and I’m almost certain I have not experienced something as profoundly deep and healing as I did with Eva.”
  • “During the session we were able to go straight away deep into the heart of the energetics I needed to access.”
  • “Through her vision, insights, sacred voice activations, and energetic support, I was able to access and transform deep grief … that I’ve been trying to understand for a long time…”
  • “I felt these healing energies and activations radiated throughout my field and opened my inner vision to show me the alchemy that took place…”
  • “I was given the gift of full forgiveness for self and others in the knowing that I have never done anything wrong, and am of a pure heart which is huge for me…”
  • “The most valuable thing is that every session brought me much-needed peace accompanied by advice from my guides.”
  • “The session was absolutely profound. I got so many pieces come together and confirmations that I needed…”
  • “She is extremely gifted in her ability to ‘know’ what is being experienced; see into past lives; and hold space for the healing that inevitably emerges.”

Connect & Co-Create

Contact, Subscribe, Co-create

Contact & Subscribe

You can Email Me  or  be included in the Monthly Updates  to learn about new live meditations, broadcasts, videos, gifted calls or other special events by going to our “Connect” page.

Support, Contribute & Co-create the Global LEAP Community

This Global LEAP Community is like no other community currently available: It is truly member-focused, without any agenda but an intention to support, empower & uplift, and to offer unique opportunities to connect & co-create among All of Us.

As we are about to move into a period of heightened instability on a global scale & with division and polarization at an all time high, it is now more important than ever before to come together in Unity Consciousness & to create true Win-Win-Win opportunities so all can thrive through these challenging times.

Take a moment to explore what LEAP is about. And, if you resonate, see how You may be called to contribute your unique resources, skills, energy and time so LEAP can be the most potent Vehicle of Personal & Global Change it can possibly Be.

Your global Soul Family is waiting for You!


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